Tag Archives: utopia

Just BEING is a Revolutionary Act

By which I mean, just ‘being’ without doing anything, thinking anything in particular, or trying to be anyone special. In this way we are not ‘productive’, we are not caught in the trap of ‘becoming’, we are not placing hope in an illusory ‘future’ which acts as a drug to stop us seeing the reality […]

Colliding Utopias… and John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’

The main assumption arising from utopianism is the pernicious notion is that ‘the end justifies the means’- or put more prosaically, ‘you can’t make an omlette without breaking eggs’ – real-world meaning: ‘you can’t make a utopia without breaking heads’. Current atrocities are excused by the justification that ‘it’ll be worth it in the end’ […]