Ultimately the way we relate to the world, our cultural conditioning, is not congruent with nature itself, with our own inner nature (which is the same as Nature as a whole of course), and so these autoimmune diseases appear in order to show us that something is wrong. The identification with this whole conditioning can […]
Tag Archives: eczema

Eczema As Koan Part 3: The Way Out
This is part three of my account of how I came to experience full healing from a very severe experience of eczema lasting several years. Part one is here and part two is here. I have covered my journey of healing and discovery up until this point, which took the form of a voyage into […]

Eczema as Koan Part 2: The Descent Into Hell
This is part two of my account of how I came to experience full healing from a very severe experience of eczema lasting several years. Part one is here and part three is here. Having ‘turned the corner’ as it were, (in terms of hope for the future if not in an actual improvement […]

Eczema as Koan Part 1
About four years ago I spilt up with my girlfriend and subsequently became rather ill – I was eventually hospitalised and on admission the first nurse who saw me in a hospital gown assumed I had been burnt in a house fire, so badly destroyed was the weeping, bleeding skin all over my body. I […]