Terence Mckenna -Shamanic Approaches to the UFO

“Now there is a third possibility which is the one that is the more commonly entertained notion which is simply that we are being observed by intelligent life forms that evolved somewhere else in the galaxy. They have quarantined our planet to keep us from being agitated by their presence and they will eventually reveal themselves. I find this an extremely odious notion, especially the part about how much chaos there will be if the truth is ever revealed. This is nothing more than the reassertion of masculine paternalism, its right to keep secrets from the rest of us, its belief that there’s a privileged all-male class of people that can be let in on what’s really going on, and the rest of us, poor dears, have to be shielded from these tremendously shocking facts. I discussed this once with an entity and it said to me, well you know we’ve disguised ourselves as an extraterrestrial invasion so as to not alarm people with what’s really going on.”

From: http://willmushiamroom.wordpress.com/

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