Thanks People!

Hey all, this is Guy James – I just wanted to post something personal here to let you know there is a human being behind the possibly automatic-seeming-streaming stuff that appears here most daze.

And also to say ‘Thank You’ if you subscribe to the blog or regularly check back here to see what’s new. When I see the subscriber stats or look at the anal-lytics it tells me that I am not just posting stuff into an endless void – interesting as voids can be: see the incredible film ‘Enter the Void’ for an example. I assume that those reading this blog are human beings as I am, and indeed probably share similar tastes. My tastes are very eclectic so I don’t expect anyone to love everything I post, even if I do. In fact that is the only criterion for posting stuff here, that I love it, or it is my own work and thus I at least want to love it.

Most of the things I post here are either shared from Google Reader or YouTube – I just click one button and it appears here. That way I get round my laziness and actually post things rather than just following the road that is paved with good intentions. But from time to time, as now, I actually get off my arse and write something – these posts can be found under the unassuming title of ‘thoughts‘.

Also I do make music – see here – don’t be scared, people have actually expressed surprise that it is quite good, y’know, like ‘proper’ music by someone you have heard of. Or maybe you have heard of me, in which case it is already somewhat ‘proper’. There will be more of this soon, I am working with some friends and family to produce something which I hope you will find interesting.

So, thanks again and if you read this, feel free to leave me a comment, constructive criticism is ok, or just say ‘hi’. I do this stuff to create connections, to let my brainwaves expand into the electronic ether in some small way. If there is an echo from the void, so much the better, if not, I will carry on anyway and the best of luck to all who sail in her.

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