“Democratic capitalism” cannot exist……because capitalism beats democracy every time, like scissors beats paper or stone beats scissors. photo credit: Brainless Angel
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RSS feed for this sectionMusic of the Sun: The Eternal Fascination of Yes!
Prog rock. Progressive Rock. Filthy, hated, heretical noise, utterly shunned since Year Zero (1976). But I love it… or a great deal of it anyway. Those who lump dazzling avatars of God’s Own Progression like Yes, Genesis (the early version, naturally) and King Crimson in with lumpen regurgitators of egoistic bombast like Emerson Lake and […]
It’s Official: There is No Self
In short, the concept of the self or individual is used by corporations to flatter you, make you feel special, and make you buy stuff. This also cuts you off from the truth that there is no self, nothing to seek for, and separates you (as the illusory idea of a self) from your essential […]
Are You the One?
I was just thinking about the concept of ‘the One’ in relationships and how it affects our expectations. People fall in love and in the midst of the euphoria of those initial weeks (or months if they’re lucky) of bliss, they often believe they have found ‘the One’ – whether they already believed they were […]
Colliding Utopias… and John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’
The main assumption arising from utopianism is the pernicious notion is that ‘the end justifies the means’- or put more prosaically, ‘you can’t make an omlette without breaking eggs’ – real-world meaning: ‘you can’t make a utopia without breaking heads’. Current atrocities are excused by the justification that ‘it’ll be worth it in the end’ […]
The Bubble Burst
I’ve been hearing a lot about the Stock Market bubble bursting, or the financial bubble has burst or whatever, but what it really seems to be is that the whole bubble of our culture is about to burst. And why? For the same reason that these big financial institutions are in trouble: when something gets […]
Make My Day
This may sound kind of trite but I think if you can find one or two things that ‘make your day’ every day, then you will have an enjoyable life. For example some people left comments on a post I made on another blog and it just left me with a feeling of being noticed, […]
Thoughts on Herzog’s ‘Heart of Glass’
I just saw this film yesterday and it totally blew me away. Someone had said I should see it but I couldn’t remember why, I watched the whole thing with this nagging feeling at the back of my mind that there was something very odd about it. After it was over I looked it up […]
Living in a World Without Trends
I’ve just realised something that may have been obvious to everyone else for ages: that now the vice-like grip of major label record labels has been loosened, the music business has more or less reached the end of trends. (more…)