Comments on: Eczema as Koan Part 1 Stratospheric Analogue Juice Tue, 04 Oct 2016 08:39:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Guy Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:13:40 +0000 Yes it is amazing we can talk about this stuff, especially as we are so far away geographically (I looked at your blog – very interesting by the way – and see that you are in Australia). I must admit I had some doubts about putting this very personal material into the public domain but I thought it might have the effect of being able to help people who are in very difficult situations, as I was. The article is basically what I would have wanted to have read when I was deep in the dark night.

I haven’t read those books, will check them out, thanks.

I think one of the things I found really important (which I touched on in part 1) is not to allow ‘being ill’ to become part of one’s identity, which can be very tempting at times. In some way, everyone has already lost everything, because this moment is new and the past is over – it’s just that most people don’t realise it, whereas someone who has been through this sort of thing maybe does realise it.

In the same way it might be good, once we are restored to health, to not create the identity of ‘the one who is cured’, because we never know what might happen tomorrow. The same thing with awakening, if we think it’s a finality we may be deluding ourselves because tomorrow something might happen which throws all that into question. It’s all ultimately empty and transient and that is the only way it can be filled with joy, because we get to treasure this moment as it is. 🙂

By: Sue Tue, 26 Aug 2014 02:57:57 +0000 Thanks so much, Guy. It’s nice being able to talk about this most personal sort of stuff with people. Could you imagine having this conversation with your local bank manager?

Well, I guess I shouldn’t tar all bank managers but, you know 🙂

Have you read The Alchemy of Illness by Kat Duff? Definitely recommended, along with a gorgeous little tome called The Sound Of a Snail Eating, which read like a meditation.

I absolutely believe that those of us who have been through something like this are in a position to be able to walk easier into whatever changes come because we’ve already lost everything. We have nothing to lose. And we have had a lot of time to think and ponder about these things.

By: Guy Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:43:47 +0000 Thanks for the comment Sue. Yes I really think CFS would fit into the same category as eczema; it comes from a kind of ‘soul malaise’, probably from very deep in the unconscious – but in a way, we could see this very deep dissatisfaction with how things are as the ‘manure’ from which a new world is going to grow. Because unless we are seriously pissed off with the current story, to the point where it’s making us ill, we are not going to change, and I think the increasing prevalence of these kinds of illnesses is a symptom that a lot of us just can’t take it any more. It’s not just the structures of the world or society – how we have organised things – but the whole way of seeing and interacting with everything which has to change… ‘master’s tools’ and all that.

So I would agree with you to trust the process, that there is a point to illness in many cases (maybe ultimately in all cases). And as for the surrender, you can surrender from even knowing how to surrender, surrender from the person who wants to surrender, surrender to the fact that you can’t surrender. And yes, the dark night is bloody dark, darker than those yet to pass through it can imagine, but in some ways I think it needs to be, because only then are we made humble enough to know that we don’t know a damn thing… and then we can maybe just give it all up. This is the beginning of the end of it, but paradoxically, while we are desperate for it to end, we are only perpetuating it – what you resist, persists, of course. But it will end, it has to – even if you persist in doing ‘the wrong thing’, it is bringing you closer to the point where you can give up. ‘The fool who persists in his folly will become wise’, as Blake put it.

So I hope what I’ve written has given you some encouragement, and when the dark night is over you will see it has all been worth it, even though you could never imagine anything being worth so much suffering.

By: Sue Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:04:00 +0000 Oh, boy. So much in here that mirrors my own journey with CFS that I really can’t begin to say what has welled up in me to say.

The last 9 months I’ve been consulting the I Ching and over and with that as the guiding and overarching sort of narrative of the year, over and over again it’s been about learning to rest, learning to surrender, learning to understand the action of no-action. It’s been hellish, really, but like so many people in this situation there has been that definite sense of purpose underneath, that this illness somehow isn’t just about you, that there is a wider and grander purpose that we can’t see … and then the shutters would come down and I’d forget all about that till next time. In-between there have been the times that I have been so despairing and seriously wanting to just give up … even noticing the lack of surrender in the desperation but not being able to surrender – that dark night gets really bloody dark, doesn’t it.

Glad I have found your little space on the interwebs via the More Beautiful World FB page and am off to read parts 2 and 3 now 🙂

By: Guy Sun, 17 Aug 2014 08:27:08 +0000 Thanks a lot Abby, I appreciate it. Part 2 is out now and there will also be a part 3… 🙂

By: Abby Sun, 17 Aug 2014 06:05:45 +0000 Wow, great blog post.

Can’t believe you went through so much! Especially when the medication affected your teeth.

I can totally relate to the pain that eczema causes! I remember being in so much extreme excruciating pain as well. Thanks for being so open to sharing your story 🙂

Looking fwd to reading part 2!


By: Guy Thu, 14 Aug 2014 12:07:37 +0000 Yes I agree, it is like a symptom of society as a whole. In the second part of the article I will go a bit deeper into that – I’ve had several synchronicities lately around the phrase ‘canary in a coal mine’ actually, and I agree this sort of negative reaction is going to be more widespread if we don’t start waking up a bit.

By: Tracey Oliver Thu, 14 Aug 2014 11:41:53 +0000 I feel like my eczema is a reflection of all that is broken in society. I view myself as a canary in a cole mine, my immune system is more sensitive to chemicals and reacts badly to insensitivity that eventually everyone will also react negatively too (as eczema and allergies are on the increase). I feel that it is our responsibility to help educate the masses about the things we are negatively responding to in diet and lifestyle in the hope that we can learn and have empathy for those members within it. So I agree with your article that the journey of eczema is a spiritual one that must first deal with acceptance but then moves to education and positive action… exactly as you are doing with this article

By: Guy Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:41:50 +0000 That is terrible about your cousin Lisa – I can certainly empathize though, with the eczema part at least. At times one would do almost anything to be free of the pain, and having multiple sclerosis at the same time must have been awful. The problem is, when one is in terrible pain, and probably also not sleeping at night, it’s not really conducive to making good decisions.

I think the identification with pain is a serious obstacle to healing because it can be so seductive when we apparently have nothing else in our lives, that all our plans look like they will come to nothing. To get sympathy for the ‘poor me’ identity is often the last resort and it can be hard to let go of.

The food issue is also an important one of course – it can be seductive to eat and drink the wrong things for our condition because we feel so sorry for ourselves. I went the other way and was super-strict, which can also be a form of self-rejection if taken too far of course.

Thanks for your comment. 🙂

By: Lisa Wed, 13 Aug 2014 14:41:58 +0000 I read this tale of eczema which made me think of my cousin Judy who suffered from both eczema and multiple sclerosis. She decided to do a very experimental treatment with chemotherapy which ultimately ended her life, which, as of our last conversation, she was aware very well would be the outcome. I am an acupuncturist who sees victimization often and have realized that some of my patients need their “pain” to define them. For those patients I know I can never help. But I also know that I have seen amazing changes in people once they get unstuck in their pain. I, also, know that our food source has caused many problems, especially ones that are expelling toxins through the skin, and work very closely with a nutritionist when I see the need presents itself.
